Now in postproduction:

Hibiscus Tea

Dir: Nicholas Martensen


Dir: Dimas Salaberrios


Broads in a Nail Salon - Dir. Rafael Lyrio

15 Feet Down - Dir. Charles Nuckolls

In the midst of writing a new untitled Web-series as well as a feature film about one of the most fascinating jobs any one can have…


Hibiscus Tea: Dir: Nick Martensen

MacBeth: Two Truths by William Shakespeare directed by Michael Glavin — as MacDuff & Hecate

Rehearsal still ~~~ MacDuff Faces MacBeth in the final battle…

Rehearsal still ~~~ MacDuff Faces MacBeth in the final battle…

A Christmas Carol adapted by David Zen Mansley @ City for the New City, NYC — as Mrs. Cratchit


No Exit by Jean Paul Sartre (transl by Stuart Gilbert) @ Chinatown Soup, NYC -- as INEZ

Ubu Rex by Alfred Jarry -- as MAMA UBU @ City for the New Theater, NYC

12 Angry Women with AlphaNYC Theater Company, NYC, directed by Lamar Legend -- as Juror #3

Actors Studio MFA Repertory Season:

Snowangel by Lewis John Carlino -- as CONNIE (Production stills in Photo section)

The Bald Soprano by Eugene O'Neill  -- as MARY (Production stills in Photo section)

Two Rooms by Lee Blessing -- as LAINIE (Production stills in Photo section)